Nano_Trench für 1&1Versatel im Einsatz

1&1 Versatel

In mid - December 2016 1&1 VersatelEWG - Essen Economic Promotion and the city administration in Essen-Kettwig launched a pilot project: In just three days, fiber was laid by using the innovative Nano-Trench technology.

We congratulate

The broadband project of Lower Austria is the winner of the European Broadband Award 2016.  Underneath 66 submissions, the "NÖ"-model of nöGIG was nominated together with a Swedish and a Dutch project for the award in the "Offenheit und Wettbewerb" category. The winner is nöGIG and the prize was presented by Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for The digital economy.

Österreichische Glasfaser Verlegung gratuliert NÖGIG

Österreichische Glasfaser Verlegung und Nano_Trench in EU gefragt

Effective laying

Waidhofner invention is in demand throughout the EU. That the Österreichische Glasfaserverlegungsges.m.b.H. is actually regarded as a significant alternative in the laying of fiber networks, was by no means clear from today.

"Plan and build the network you need through the possibilities you have"


Österreichische Glasfaser Verlegungs GmbH

 Mühlstrasse 14 | 3340 Waidhofen an der Ybbs | Austria

Tel: +43 7442 520 85

Fax: +43 7442 520 85 31

E-Mail: office@nano-trench.com

Hier finden Sie die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedienungen
der Österreichischen Glasfaserverlegungsges.m.b.H für Sie zum Downloaden
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